Welcome to BUFLEXZ Investor Relations

Digital Engagement

At BUFLEXZ, we turn screen time into rewarding experiences. Our platform benefits users by rewarding them for ad engagement and provides advertisers with highly engaged audiences. Join us in revolutionizing digital engagement

Why Invest in BUFLEXZ?

Unique Value Proposition:

Amidst pandemic challenges, the March 2024 partnership between Lejel Group and ROOT37 marks a pivotal moment. With Wowbox's launch slated for May 15, 2024, and localization underway, this strategic alliance, supported by CEO sponsorship and a dedicated team of 125 employees, anticipates exponential growth. Wowbox's revenue projections forecast $42M in 2024, escalating to $300M by 2027. This success narrative highlights the transformative synergy, inviting investors to join in unleashing BUFLEXZ's vast potential

Investor Relations Contact

For investor inquiries and further information, please reach out to our dedicated team:

Our Vision

To become the leading platform for rewarding digital engagement, setting new industry standards.

BUFLEXZ Investor Deck

Transforming Digital Engagement

BUFLEXZ is revolutionizing digital engagement by rewarding users for their attention. Our platform ensures that every ad watched earns points towards exciting prizes, providing value to both users and advertisers. This unique model drives high user engagement and retention, setting us apart in the digital advertising space.

Investment Highlights:

Financial Projections:

Revenue Streams

Ad revenue, premium subscriptions, and brand partnerships.

Projected Growth:

Expected to achieve significant revenue milestones within the next 3-5 years.

Investment Opportunity:

Join BUFLEXZ in reshaping the digital advertising landscape. Your investment will help accelerate our growth, enhance our platform, and expand our market reach.

Contact Us

For investor inquiries and further information, please reach out to our dedicated team

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